Initial Fees

Please see the below guide to our simple, transparent and competitive fee structure.

Our advice journey always begins with a free initial General Financial Review appointment:

  • Free Initial General Financial Review Appointment

  • Follow-Up Recommendation

  • Agreement and Implementation

  • Regular Six-Monthly Review Meeting

Simple Fee Structure

Our initial advice fees are simple, transparent, and for most very competitive. All fees are percentage based and calculated in relation to the amount of funds we will manage for you.

Initially, you will receive a free, no obligation ‘General Financial Review’. The purpose of this meeting is to establish your circumstances, objectives, attitude to risk, and to discuss our service features and costs.

Following your free initial General Financial Review, should you choose to proceed with recommendation, only then would an initial fee become payable as follows:

Total Funds Under ManagementInitial Fee %
£0 – £299,9991.0%*
£300,000 – £499,9990.9%
£500,000 – £749,9990.8%
£750,000 – £999,9990.7%
£1,000,000 - £2,000,0000.5%
Above £2,000,000 our fee cap applies^0.0%

*For clients investing less than £150,000 a minimum initial advisory fee of £1,500 applies, including couple/close family discount as explained below.

^For clients investing in excess of £2,000,000 no initial fee will apply on any funds exceeding £2,000,000 of funds under our management. A fee of 0.5% would apply on the first £2,000,000 and 0.0% will apply to any further contributions. 

Examples of how our charges could apply:
  • If you invested £50,000, our fee would be our minimum fee = £1,500
  • If you invested £500,000, our fee would be 0.8% of £500,000 = £4,000
  • If you invested £1,500,000, our fee would be 0.5% of £1,500,000 = £7,500
  • If you invested £3,000,000, our fee would be our maximum fee = £10,000 (0.5% would apply to the first £2,000,000, and 0.0% applies to any further contributions)

When a reduced tier is reached, this charge applies to the whole investment amount on that occasion and subsequent transactions. Please note, the tiers are based on total funds under our management, not the individual transaction amount.

Where you wish to receive an ongoing financial planning service from us, an ongoing fee will also apply, which we discuss during your free General Financial Review meeting. All of our clients receive a face-to-face six-monthly review appointment, during which we review your financial plans against your objectives, discuss any changes in your circumstances and agree any alterations required.

Close Family Discount

We offer reduced initial fees where we look after a client who is ‘close family’ of another client, in which case their initial fee will be based on the total aggregated funds of all the related clients. For example, if a client has £500,000 invested with us and their child wishes to invest £5,000 themselves, the minimum fee would not apply, and the reduced initial fee rate of 0.8% would apply.

For this purpose, we regard ‘close family’ as parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, siblings, spouse (married or unmarried) or civil partner. It is not inclusive of in-laws.

Withdrawal Fees/Penalties

In our aim to offer the most suitable and flexible solution for all customers, we do not wish to restrict your freedoms in any way. As such we will not apply any withdrawal charges, transfer-out charges, exit penalties, or contractual minimum investment terms. In the unusual event that restrictions may be applied by a specific product provider, we will make you aware of this before proceeding with the application.

Speciality One-Off Advice Areas

We also offer advice on a number of specialist areas, such as equity release, wills, powers of attorney, and long term care fee planning. In these cases, we have a separate fee structure which we would be delighted to discuss with you, should these services be of interest.

Let's get in touch

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavour to answer all enquiries within 24 hours.